Research Analyst

A research analyst is someone who is good at reading data, the reading of research analyzing, Interpreting, accounting, economics, Customer base, and other information Related to the field they work in.


We all want to learn trading for personal; and professional growth, To help With the goal of the IIGFM online research analysis course is to increase long-term investors’ knowledge of the financial business. The goal of the course is to assist investors to understand how to recognize analyze and analyze financial statements. Investors that understand these ideas are better equipped to invest in the firm by making better investment decisions. As a result, investors might become financially independent or earn additional money in addition to their regular work.

1. Basics of Fundamental Analysis

  •  Understanding analysis of capital market.
  •  Economy, inflation/deflation, and their effects on the economy.
  •  Quantitative analysis, Balance sheet, and Profit and loss account.
  •  Annual Report, investors meeting.
  •  Peer comparison, Source of All company
  •  Corporate of actions, Financial Plan and Goal, and Valuation Of the company.

2. Why IIGFM

  •  NSE module NISM examination certification course
  •  Theoretical analysis of the subject as well as case study to understand “HOW TO RESEARCH”.
  •  Analysis of profit and loss account, balance sheet, analyze the stock recognize analyze and trading accounts.
  •  Quantitative and as well as qualitative analysis and mastering them With our expert trainers.
  • Career guidance from Masters in the field with years of experience.
  •  Live trading as well as demo classes with the help of high class trading software